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Friday, February 6, 2015

God is the Goal

img source: http://wykobet.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/dad.jpg

How we view God will determine how we relate with Him, with others and how we deal with both the prosperities and adversities of life. How we view him is therefore everything because it will affect not only our life on earth today, but most especially the life after it (even this view is influenced by my own view of God).

 Some people sincerely believe they are “godly” because they are doing “godly” things: giving to the poor, helping others in need or even leading prayer meetings and bible studies. Yet, the essence of having a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ is determined first of all by the direct fellowship of a person with God - how and how often he connects with Him by praying, reading the Bible and joyfully following it. Doing “godly” things is therefore just an offshoot of a vibrant, living connection with God. Otherwise, we are just making ourselves feel and look good or merely going with the popular flow of trying to do good things for no reason at all, or for reasons we don’t understand or reasons we will never associate with God. I am convinced that when we do good things based on our faith in Jesus, then that is true godliness. Again, otherwise, we are just being secular. I would even say that any activity is more spiritual (as long as it is not sinful) if it is done for the glory of God than a “spiritual” activity done for the glory of man.

 If God is number one in our life, we are hitting many birds with one stone. If we become so full of God, we couldn’t help but give “some of Him” to others; we couldn’t stand watching people waste their lives away; we would encourage them, pray for them and help them with their needs. Then again, helping others is found at the last part of this relationship equation. God first, then others. The true Christian tries his or her best to be on God’s side all the time – God’s partner, God’s friend, God’s messenger and this is a powerful statement but yes, God’s confidant and God’s lover. Now that I am married, I experience the wonderful blessing of being able to listen and share thoughts and feelings with my husband on a regular basis. Life becomes easier to handle and I feel guided in a certain way. But did you know or have you forgotten that the Church is the Bride of Christ? (Revelation 21:2) Our commitment and devotion to the Lord must come to a point when we can feel and know deep in our hearts that Jesus is the lover of our souls. And I’d like to emphasize the reality of that statement. It is not superficial at all. Experiencing God as a lover is possible – it’s as real as two people falling in love with each other or as real as the emergence of the selfie generation.

 Once we view God this way, God becomes the center of our life; he becomes not only our means to an end; he becomes both! We begin to do things with God and for God. That is because God has become our dream and our aspiration. If so, everything we do will be about pleasing Him and it will become easier to praise Him through both our victories and trials. If God is our goal, we can easily believe in His promises. But then again, if God is our goal, He will be more than enough. Time spent with Him will give us joy, peace and satisfaction. If God is our goal, I can only imagine what other goals we can achieve – but that is not the ultimate goal – God is.

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