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Friday, October 26, 2012

Why Jesus didn't Spit Back

When Jesus was crushed, pierced, slapped and spat on the face, He could have crushed, pierced, slapped and spat back. No effort cause he is the omnipotent God. When challenged by that thief on his right to prove his deity, He could have put him and everyone else to shame by miraculously getting off the cross and heal his wounds right then and there. He could have chosen to transform gloriously and shine with majesty - glorious, famous, powerful, mighty - BUT not a savior, a redeemer, a healer. 

Jesus chose shame over fame, death over life to save the very people that condemned him. It is one thing to die for someone who loves you. It is another to die for those who hate you and want you dead. God chose to be blind to our hatred so that He can eventually win our hearts back. 

Out of that choice He made about 2000 years ago, God has provided a way for us to reach out to Him. Now, there shouldn't be no groping in the dark about how to please God enough to get to HEAVEN. The answer has been around for more than 2000 years. 

We can spend eternity with Him if we place our faith in the salvation that Jesus offers. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Choose well

Choose the one you will enter wedlock with
The one you will love forever..
For into this path,
There is no turning back
No u-turns, no pit stops
For the word: ‘Leave your father and mother and you will be one’ is true
You will be ONE
His character will blend with yours
Your habits will influence his
Your mindsets will merge and find a common place to settle
If they cannot agree, they will clash
No ONENESS can happen and you are better off alone
Your ways will fit together like puzzle pieces..
Like coffee and hot water
Water and water color
Oil and canvas
You and him as ONE will form another force, another personality, another being
This oneness has the potential to make or break…
To choose is to create a future and shape destiny
To build a generation, to prepare for eternity
Choose the one you will enter wedlock with
For through good and bad times, you have to stay
Otherwise, WEDLOCK you shouldn’t have entered

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

On Prayer

As Christians, we are constantly taught and reminded to pray. Prayer is supposed to be the backbone of any ministry. And so we like to list things and even place dates as to when we want to see them answered. We ask other people's prayer requests and assure them we would intercede. It is therefore important to understand what it means to pray.

God can listen to any kind of prayer - angry, impulsive, depressed, joyful, demanding and if we are His children, we can go to Him with complete confidence regardless of our words, our mood and our intention. But regardless of any negative emotion attached to it, be it against others or God himself, we ought to see ourselves letting our guards down on Him in the end. We can express disappointment on the onset but just like King David, we ought to turn our sighs into songs of praise - a redemptive kind of grieving. 

We have a list of prayer concerns in mind and we recite them to Him. Sometimes this is what we ought to do but prayer first of all is talking with God, not just reporting to Him. We must therefore be sensitive to His direction. After all, we are His bride - expected to submit to His leading. We approach God with our problems and demand from Him as if we are the "omnipotent" and not He. Sometimes all that He wants is our awareness of His presence or our remembrance of His goodness. Sometimes His way of solving our problems is not to change our circumstances or other people - but to change our heart and attitude towards them.  

To pray is not just to utter - it is to rest. It is not only to tell - but to be affirmed. To pray is not only the means to the answer - most of the time, it is the answer. 

One Step Forward

People go through life often mindless. Our head often hurts and think what we need is aspirin - to shun the noise, to relieve the pain. We watch a movie or a series of movies to achieve resolution - to mend the unresolved issues of life. Still we get off the couch and let go of the popcorn bowl restless, troubled and hurt. We play games and try to win them - to virtually turn our defeats into victories, to make ourselves believe that there is such thing as winning and it's within grasp. We plug phones into our ears - regardless of the bacteria build up, we feel urged to listen to music; in fact, any sound to fill the silence. 

Thanks to technology, we can now hear many voices at the same time. A post, a tweet, a video, a text, a call, an email. Gone are the days when it's hard to reach out. We reach out because we feel lost. 

We reach out but still we feel alone. We are lost in the midst of our friends' laughters. We are empty in the midst of the haste. We are shock absorbers of everyday failures, of unmet expectations, of relentless family feuds, of unjust government leaders - of the cruel side of life. 

Perhaps what we need is a time to get away - to escape for awhile and stop hearing voices, even those of whom we know so well. Perhaps we are taking mere aspirin for cancer and we don't even know it. Maybe what we need is a time to hear nothing - nothing but natural noise: footsteps, falling twigs or fruit on the roof and dogs barking. Perhaps what we need is a time to take a long shower, eat alone or cherish the smell of our favorite cologne. 

Many of us end up at a dead-end not because we were too lazy to get going, but that we didn't take time to realize if our path is right. 

Many of us can't make another step forward not because we stopped but because we didn't. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012


It is innate in every man to dream for a greater future, a better world, a better place to live in. We build systems to improve our lifestyle, stabilize our ways and regulate our activities – all for a greater future. We spend millions and a lot of minutes devising ways to rehabilitate them, to understand how they can best cater to the changing and worsening state of mankind. We stay awake and get up before the sun rises to prepare for meetings, conferences that will teach us new techniques to make life easier, happier, less painful, more meaningful – to build a greater future. We have better technology and can talk with a stranger on the other side of the world just by a click and a tap. We recreate fashion, revive songs, remodel things. We are working hard but we are often tired and restless – because we want a greater future.

Still the world remains an empty, broken place with people with wicked, twisted schemes. The technologies made to connect actually divide. The systems made to stabilize make us unstable. Do our systems, investments, technologies, conferences really take us one step closer to a brighter tomorrow? Could it be that we have spent so much time on things but less with people? That we have focused on objects and not subjects, that we have built systems, but not relationships? Could it be that our means have become our ends and that our ways are defeating our purpose?

If according to the Bible, it’s only God’s word and the souls of men that will endure forever then why do we let lives ebb away? If indeed this is true, then our focus should be on life, on relationships and on people. Our goal should be to keep changing every day as we allow others to do the same – to transform to better versions of ourselves. If we are changed individuals, is a transformed society so far away? If for example one man is transformed, is it far-fetched for him to influence an entire family, tribe or nation to change? I am strongly convinced that the greatest persons that ever lived are not those who had flawless personalities – no, they were imperfect people who embraced transformation and ultimately laid stones of foundation for a better tomorrow, not just for themselves but for others.

According to Alexander Pope, “The way of the Creative works through change and transformation, so that each thing receives its true nature and destiny and comes into permanent accord with the Great Harmony: this is what furthers and what perseveres.” There is indeed a destiny that awaits each person that if fulfilled by each individual would build not necessarily the perfect society but a much better one. Humans are not perfect and never will be, but the aim of each one should be that when they have come out victorious from a life-changing moment, and have acquired and internalized another pebble of truth, that they make this flow to society and leave it to others. This is what it means to have “a great future”.

There are therefore moments we need to reflect on, events and situations we need to analyze, people we need to spend time with and people we need to let go. There are answers we need to hear and questions we need to ask. How do you spend most of your time? What books do you read and movies do you watch? Who do you spend your weekends with? How do you nourish yourselves and protect yourselves from corruption? When did you last learn a lesson and changed your attitude and behavior? Answer these questions and you will see if you are indeed helping to build a greater future.

To do so is to transform lives – to pay attention to metamorphosis in people rather than things, to strive for the development of the human character rather than technology. Whatever niche we play in life, we have the power to change and inspire change. Our ipod and ipad should therefore connect us, not isolate us – connect to inspire, connect to encourage. Our flat screen should ultimately build us and not just entertain us – build a better character, ignite our highest potential. Our DVD should bring our family together, and not set them apart – together in learning, together in transforming. We ought to stop becoming slaves to the fruit of our labor and begin to master them by seeing them only as tools. Life first before things. Heart first before the hand. One person, one day at a time. (by Jill Christianae A. Rendon)