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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Your DNA

What makes you tick?

Even before we were born, even before our marriages and our dream jobs was this special purpose God designed for us. It's like a DNA - it's so unique, people will know it's yours. 

We have had hints as to the need to pursue it - the way our hearts leap at a sight of nature we want to capture by painting or encapsulate the beauty it brings through words, the way our hearts get tickled by little children wide-eyed with curiosity listening to us teach or how infrastructures make us picture our version of their design and functionality.

We were made unique by God. No writer is the same with another. No construction worker could do the same task exactly the way another would.

Shakespeare is one - Chaucer is another.

You - I am unique.

What we should bring out into this world is that uniqueness. Instead of laboring on creating patterns of others for ourselves, we should put our hearts into becoming the best that we could be. 

Most of us, though, have forgotten or do not even know that we are all destined for such greatness. Most of us have settled for the second best of life. We have secured ourselves in the "patterns" the world created for us. We have neatly caged ourselves in boxes where we do not fit - others even applaud us for it.

We don't want victory - we want survival. This in itself is tragedy. Someone once said, "the most tragic thing that could happen to anyone is not dying - but dying without a purpose."

This purpose transcends our little successes; it does not come by self-actualization but by revelation (according to Rick Warren, of course); it is not synonymous to money and it cannot and shouldn't be quenched even by the most romantic love story. 

On Suicidals

I was watching Fox Crime awhile ago and I was shocked and deeply moved by the story of this very bright and known-to-have-a-good-disposition college freshman who, having been triggered by an online group of suicidal people, finally decided to end her life.

The site was very sophisticated - complete with all the details a suicidal wants to know and should know - from the different ways of doing it to tips on writing suicidal notes.

I was struck by this line in hers (a paraphrase, of course): "We all need to cope in life. I just don't want to cope anymore."

I figured it's a wilder world in the web. Demons have disguised themselves digitally and have become very good at it. Our news on national TV are of apparent events of society - people getting killed here and there, women being abused, wars over some piece of land - but wars, commotions, battles are many within the hearts and souls of people behind monitors and in front of web cams.

The family of the girl exerted effort to help ban and file criminal cases against such sites. But like the usual case - no law could support it. 

Our failures in passing good laws against internet crimes is one thing - thinking about what the girl had to go through and what could have been done to save her is another. I wish I was there to tell her NO. 

It's not that people can not cope - when people decide it's the end, they just can't find any solid reason to keep coping. 


If just, by any chance, you feel you're suicidal, DO NOT seek help from those who also need help. Blind people cannot lead other blind people. It's not only stupid; it's impossible.

If you're from the Philippines, this will help:

Manila Lifeline Centre 
 (02) 8969191
Hotline: Mobile phone: 0917 854 9191

Or if not:

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)

Friday, September 23, 2011


by Hillsong

Did You rise the sun for me?
Or paint a million stars that I might
Know Your majesty?
Is Your voice upon the wind?
Is everything I've known marked
With my maker's fingerprints?

Breathe on me
Let me see Your face
Ever I will seek You

'Cause all You are, is all I want, always
Draw me close in Your arms
Oh God, I wanna be with You
Oh with you

Can I feel You in the rain?
Abandon all I am to have You
Capture me again
Let the earth resound with praise
Can You hear as all creation lives
To glorify one name?

Breathe on me
Let me see Your face
Ever I will seek You

Chorus (x2):
'Cause all You are, is all I want, always
Draw me close in Your arms
Oh God, I wanna be with You

Oh God, I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you

Oh Jesus!

'Cause all I wanna do
is just be with you
I love you Lord! I love you Lord!

Ever I will seek you... (x4)

Chorus (x2):
'Cause all You are, is all I want, always
Draw me close in Your arms
Oh God, I wanna be with You

Oh God, I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you

Oh, Oh, Jesus

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


The Lord never promised a hazard-free life. He, however, assured us of His goodness whatever state we are in. Imagine a perfect life - never having to get wet in the rain and wait by a taxi stand for hours. Then you finally arrive home, take a shower, put on warm clothes and sipping hot chocolate, you sit on a couch. You bask in the warmth and the feeling of security. Isn't this an allegory of a better life ahead? A reminder of His loving-kindness? Would the perfect life draws us closer to Him? 

If we look at God simply as a cosmic element or just the Author of our life story, it becomes easy to see ourselves as mere puppets, consequently hoarding bitterness towards Him for all the wildness of the world.

God is more than those things, though. He does not only author our story, we co-star with Him in the play of our lives. He does so for he not only wants to display power, he also wants to demonstrate love. To demand it by manipulation is a violation of its very essence.

Some of us still don't get it, though. Overwhelmed of his power, or perhaps deceived into believing that He is simply power-tripping, we work our way trying to earn His favor and love. We recite prayers others made for us; His presence is bound in the corners of our baroque churches and the most popular - we please Him to make our dreams come true and not the other way around. 

And so our spiritual lives are compartmentalized, like some costume we only wear on Sundays, a song we sing only on Christmas, an attitude we only have during holy week.

"The Lord says: 'These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men.'" (Isaiah 29:13)

God's love is not for sale. If it were, no one could afford it. Yes he is a wild God but never too wild to not be good - never too powerful to not be loving.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Not Just the Coffee

Being in a coffeeshop like Starbucks is not just about having good coffee (not that I'm promoting their catch line). Experience is expensive and so here am I, having opted to be somewhere else but my bedroom. Old, familiar places have a way of haunting you. They remind you so much of moments you'd rather forget. They also make you feel as if life is nothing but a routine - a home-school-home kinda thing which life shouldn't be about. 

 And so you come here, paying for coffee that is 10 times more expensive than the regular one you get every day. Once you have settled in the perfect spot, you feel you have rented a haven for some purpose you deem necessary for you at the moment. In my case - to contemplate. 

 Coffee has a way of keeping you awake and when you are alone like me right now, coffee becomes a good friend - one who is always around, does not leave you unheard and hanging. It doesn't have a heart but it listens. It just listens. You can even customize it to suit your taste bud, to send pleasure signals to your brain. Coffee does not give advice. Instead, it helps you do what you got to do. In my case again - to contemplate.

 To contemplate on things I thought I had mastered, I had given others advice on them - things I thought I had always known, I could recite it to anyone. I thought I had learned how to guard my heart well..

 Have you ever said to yourself, "Here I go again?"

 Here I go again. 

 Have you ever wanted to just turn back time and play things differently?

 Is there such thing as a time machine?

 The lady just stared at my musing. That is fine. This is my place for now. I will muse to my heart's content.

 The people outside all look struggling to get a ride home. Sometimes it is hard to get home and the way home can be expensive. Often times, it takes a very long ride. Good thing, in my case, I only have to walk home tonight. The music in the background is a little upbeat. Coffeeshops shouldn't put on music in the air. Everyone, specially coffeeshop customers is entitled to his or her own music.

The coffeeshop crew are talking. I wonder about their story, and what they have to pay for to go home. I hate saying this because it reminds me of someone - someone I'd rather not talk about. 

 I'll have my last few gulps of this coffee and I look at my watch. Latte, my friend will soon be gone and I will eventually have to go and leave this place I have rented - stop musing and walk home.

-JCR (April 4, 2011)

Dark Way Home

I walk home on dim paths yet I walk anyway..
Headlights blind me but I have to push through...
I pass by scary strangers, I had a scary experience once..
I walk under shadows of big trees,
not knowing what awaits me...
Yet I walk anyway...

I decide to be kind to someone and buy something...
Yet I have to cross the street with huge trucks.. 
Sometimes mechanical things make messages clear...
Kindness too has its perfect timing..
I arrive home and I have to fix my clothes,
but I know I have to write first..
Some things are more important than
keeping things in order...
Orderliness can wait..

My head has a slight ache, but I write anyway..
Some things are more important than comfort..
Sometimes, order does not matter
Sometimes, disorder is the only way to go..

- JCR (April 4, 2011)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fly Away

When faced with adversity, man’s most natural and easiest reaction is to run – get rid of the unpleasant by quitting. We work our way through life and sometimes we don’t like what it has to offer us. Things happen unexpectedly. We are shattered deep in our hearts and we are often helpless. Family members die. We fight with loved ones. Co-workers misunderstand us and talk bad about us. Teachers discourage us to do better. We often struggle to make ends meet. Sometimes, we do not even have a name for our turmoil. The truth is, life is not always a Santa Clause – it is sometimes more like a Grinch that robs us of things we think we deserve. Then we feel deprived. 

We run away. We quit jobs or school. We break relationships, close friendships. We relocate.
The question is: is running away the solution?

I’ve run away many times in my life. I have gone AWOL because I could no longer stand the work schedule. I’ve quit school because I decided to pursue a relationship (a bad one). Then I concluded I was a big time quitter.

But many times have I decided to stay despite of difficult circumstances - only since I allowed Jesus to be Lord of my life. Since then I recognized that my life is not my own and that He alone sees the big picture.

When I was in my second year in college, I was having some serious relational problem that made me want to quit school but God sent people and used the Bible to tell me not to. During my internship in a public high school, I also wanted to stop, but His word told me to keep going. It seemed to be the hardest thing to do at the moment but now, I am glad I obeyed. Had I really followed my own will in one of those times, I wonder where I’d be now.

Whenever I look back by remembering my past and reading through my journals, I realized how the Lord has been guiding me.

According to Charles Ringma, “Any change is never a permanent solution. Only change based on careful reflection should draw us to new places. This should be coupled with the recognition that no matter how difficult the new direction might be, it is the only path we should now walk. It is the inner certainty of the rightness of the new direction that will sustain us, not whether or not the familiar place was difficult and the new is going to be wonderful.”

The bottom line is: just because things are not going well with us at the moment does not mean that we have to run away from it. In every endeavour or journey, the first few days are the hardest. Our failures do not define our being – nor do they alter our identity. In fact, they will sharpen more the image we have of ourselves. Our decision, therefore should not be based on the difficulty of the situation, but on the word of the one who holds the map of our lives.

Jesus modelled well one of the hardest things to do in life – to wait. When mockingly asked by his brothers to perform miracles in the Festival of Shelters in Judea, Jesus replied by saying, “You go on. I’m not going to this festival, because my time has not yet come.” (John 7:8)

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

The key is knowing God’s will because in it, we can rest easy. Often times, we short-circuit His beautiful plan for our lives when we run away from where we are now because of difficult circumstances.

Once we have the conviction that the difficulty comes from the Lord, we can be assured that He will give us the grace to not only survive it but come out a better person through it. A beautiful moth was not born beautiful. It was a caterpillar first that had to wait in a cocoon and struggle well out of it so when it’s ready, it can spread its beautiful wings and fly.